When Children Saw A Pack Of Wolf Ambassadors Their Reaction Was Priceless

I went to the Wolf Education Project in Julian CA and got to see a pack of wolf ambassadors. Watching the kids get so excited when they saw the wolf ambassadors was priceless. I think they enjoyed the hike with a pack of wolf ambassadors the most. The smiles, laughter and questions is something I will remember and how these animals seemed to have transformed these young people in such a positive manner. Something a smart phone just can’t do.

Playing with wolf ambassador puppies will stay with this young man (both of them) for a long time

When Children Saw A Pack Of Wolf Ambassadors Their Reaction Was Priceless

The beauty of hearing wolf ambassadors howl was one of the high lights of my trip to the Wolf Education Project

When Children Saw A Pack Of Wolf Ambassadors Their Reaction Was Priceless

Going on a hike with these amazing animals in such a beautiful area is something that was life changing

When Children Saw A Pack Of Wolf Ambassadors Their Reaction Was Priceless

They are so adorable at this young age

When Children Saw A Pack Of Wolf Ambassadors Their Reaction Was Priceless

Very impressive as adults and they are so big!

When Children Saw A Pack Of Wolf Ambassadors Their Reaction Was Priceless

I can still hear the howls as I was driving away

When Children Saw A Pack Of Wolf Ambassadors Their Reaction Was Priceless

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