Even Scientists Can’t Explain These Bizarre Images Taken on Mars

Even Scientists Can’t Explain These Bizarre Images Taken on Mars

Mars has been the subject of fascination to us humans for ages now. Trips to the Red Planet have been depicted in science fiction since the 1880s, and in the 1940s it became the subject of aerospace engineering proposals. Today NASA scientists are even talking about creating long-term settlements and terraforming the planet. Here are…

They went hunting for fossil fuels. What they found could help save the world

They went hunting for fossil fuels. What they found could help save the world

When two scientists went looking for fossil fuels beneath the ground of northeastern France, they did not expect to discover something which could supercharge the effort to tackle the climate crisis. Jacques Pironon and Phillipe De Donato, both directors of research at France’s National Centre of Scientific Research, were assessing the amount of methane in the subsoils…

Wolves, bears and bison: 50 species make ‘spectacular’ comeback in Europe

Wolves, bears and bison: 50 species make ‘spectacular’ comeback in Europe

From loggerhead turtles to wolverines, many previously struggling European species have made recoveries, new research reveals. Bears, wolves, and bison are making a comeback across Europe, new research has revealed. The animals are among 50 expanding species tracked in the new European Wildlife Comeback report. From loggerhead turtles and Eurasian otters to humpback whales and…

Ireland: A Tomb Hidden For 4000 Years Is Discovered “Untouched” With Human Stays Inside

Ireland: A Tomb Hidden For 4000 Years Is Discovered “Untouched” With Human Stays Inside

An Irish farmer discovers a medieval tomb that has been mostly neglected for thousands of years. The burial place was discovered on the Dingle peninsula in South West Ireland after an excavator dislodged a big boulder, revealing a concealed chamber underneath. Inside, native archaeologists uncovered what they thought were human bones, as well as a…