Riona was cruelly set on fire — after a year of recovery, she’s finally going to her new home

Riona was cruelly set on fire — after a year of recovery, she’s finally going to her new home

The degree of cruelty some individuals can have against pets is simply astonishing. When her owner cruelly set fire to her last year, a gentle puppy named Riona suffered as much as anyone. Riona is moving into her new home, nevertheless, almost precisely a year after that terrible occurrence. Riona, a pitbull mix, rushed down…

Photographer Documented The Friendship Between A Grey Wolf And A Brown Bear

Photographer Documented The Friendship Between A Grey Wolf And A Brown Bear

Finnish photographer Lassi Rautiainen captured the amazing sight of a female grey wolf and a male brown bear. The unlikely friendship was documented over the course of ten days in 2013. The duo was captured walking everywhere together, hunting as a team and sharing their spoils. Each evening after a hard of hunting the pair shared a convivial deer…

Wolf Dog Goes On Grand Adventures Instead Of Being Locked Away

Wolf Dog Goes On Grand Adventures Instead Of Being Locked Away

According to PBS: “The dog, Canis familiaris, is a direct descendent of the gray wolf, Canis lupus: In other words, dogs as we know them are domesticated wolves.” All dogs are direct descendants of wolves, and some dogs are literally part domesticated dog and part pure-wolf. Kelly Lund grew up in the Redwood forest on…

Family finds abandoned cat on the street – look closer and realize it’s not a regular kitten

Family finds abandoned cat on the street – look closer and realize it’s not a regular kitten

This story, from 2016, is just too adorable not to share. A teeny tiny baby kitten was spotted roaming the streets on its own in Thailand. A family living in the neighborhood was enjoying their evening when they noticed the little guy on the street. Upon closer inspection, they realized this was no ordinary cat —…

Wolf With Crippling Neurological Condition Responds To Energy Healing

Wolf With Crippling Neurological Condition Responds To Energy Healing

More and more, people are recognizing the benefits that interacting with animals has on our health. From wolves helping veterans coping with PTSD to horses helping to heal people’s troubled spirits, animals can heal us in ways we do not fully understand yet. So it comes as no surprise, then, that animals can also heal…

Incredible Moment A Wolf Family Strike A Pose For The Camera

Incredible Moment A Wolf Family Strike A Pose For The Camera

This is the moment a wolf family lined up and posed for an incredible photo at the Wolf Conservation Centre. Wolves are very social animals who live in surprisingly well-organized packs and family units. This organization and cooperation provide the wolves with many benefits such as better hunting, defending territory, raising pups, and more. This…