We Finally Found A Full Version Of The 9/11 Commercial That Only Ever Aired Once

We Finally Found A Full Version Of The 9/11 Commercial That Only Ever Aired Once

A poignant Budweiser commercial that aired just once on Super Bowl XXXVI in 2002 captures the emotion of 9/11. The ad showcases the iconic Clydesdale horses, a symbol of Budweiser, in a moving tribute to the victims of the tragic event. The horses are shown running, equipped, and pulling a wagon through snow-covered fields and…

3 years ago people helped a deer and a few years later he comes to their house almost every day and stands under the window

3 years ago people helped a deer and a few years later he comes to their house almost every day and stands under the window

In Norway, a family living in a house near the forest came to the aid of a deer that was surrounded by hunters. Such situations are rare, and usually animals tend to move away from the danger zone. However, the rescued deer has been coming to his rescuers’ house almost every day for three years…

Family finds abandoned cat on the street – look closer and realize it’s not a regular kitten

Family finds abandoned cat on the street – look closer and realize it’s not a regular kitten

This story, from 2016, is just too adorable not to share. A teeny tiny baby kitten was spotted roaming the streets on its own in Thailand. A family living in the neighborhood was enjoying their evening when they noticed the little guy on the street. Upon closer inspection, they realized this was no ordinary cat —…

A Woman Turned a 1966 Bus into a Comfortable and Cozy Home on Wheels
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A Woman Turned a 1966 Bus into a Comfortable and Cozy Home on Wheels

The dilapidated bus was turned into a fashionable and comfortable residence on wheels (Greyhound) in three years. Some individuals inherit their dream home, while others meticulously select and purchase it. However, there are also eager people who build their one-of-a-kind home with their own hands. The latter story involves a brilliant American woman who purchased…

Daily, a squirrel taps on the window of a house: It took eight years to comprehend her message

Daily, a squirrel taps on the window of a house: It took eight years to comprehend her message

The planet we live on is not exclusively ours. On the contrary, it is a home of a huge number of species, each of which more fascinating than the other. And although humans have only domesticated insignificant number of animals, it doesn’t mean that we can’t admire the wild ones too, even from a very…

Sad pup separated from a cow who raised him – the camera captures tear-jerking moment they reunite again

Sad pup separated from a cow who raised him – the camera captures tear-jerking moment they reunite again

Real friendship transcends all boundaries. Nowhere is this better evidenced than in the animal kingdom. Though it’s true that instincts compel some animals to dislike others, and in many cases actively hunt them, there are numerous examples of animals that have enjoyed truly unlikely friendships – these range from dogs and raccoons to bears and wolves. Yet no story…

This man did not know that wolves are not amenable to training, and that’s what happened to him

This man did not know that wolves are not amenable to training, and that’s what happened to him

In modern society, deprivation of liberty is rightfully considered one of the harshest punishments provided for by law. But if a person, sooner or later, the term of imprisonment comes to an end, then for animals languishing in captivity, it lasts a lifetime, turning them into eternal prisoners of human whim. In this story, observation…

The wolf at our door

The wolf at our door

Wildlife advocates believe wolves could come back to the Adirondacks someday and want the state to facilitate their return. Wilmington, a wolf lifts its head and howls, breaking the near silence on a cold winter day. Just a few feet away Steve Hall watches the scene, a leash in his hand. The wolf on the…

Adorable Litter of Endangered Red Wolf Pups Give Hope for Future of At-Risk Species

Adorable Litter of Endangered Red Wolf Pups Give Hope for Future of At-Risk Species

Native to the southeastern United States, the red wolf has been an endangered species since 1967. Since the 1970s,  the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has been running a captive breeding program and there is now actually a wild population in North Carolina. However, for the past four years, these wolves haven’t had any pups. That all changed this…