Albino sisters born 12 years apart become modeling sensations

Despite being born 12 years apart, siblings Asel and Kamila share the unique trait of albinism, a rare genetic disorder that affects pigmentation. Asel, now 14, surprised her mother, Aiman Sarkitova, when she was born albino, especially since genetics were not well understood at the time. Their family was equally astonished when Kamila was born with the same condition.

The sisters have become a popular modeling duo, with Asel starting her career at 10 and now gaining even more attention with 2-year-old Kamila by her side. They have over 33,000 Instagram followers. While albinism brings challenges, like sensitivity to sunlight, Asel takes precautions when outdoors, using sunscreen and protective clothing.

Their bond is a source of strength, and they hope their success will raise awareness about albinism and highlight its beauty. “Many people do not know what albinos are,” Asel remarked, emphasizing the need for greater understanding.


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