At the Critics Choice Association Vanguard Award, Jamie Foxx shocked everyone by disclosing about his recent struggle with an enigmatic illness. The Oscar-winning actor gave thanks, stating, “I’ve experienced a few things. I couldn’t have done that half a year ago; it’s absurd.

Actually, I was unable to walk. Foxx went on, considering his journey:

“I’m glad to be here. I now value each and every minute. It’s not the same, you know?

It’s beyond awful; I wouldn’t wish what I went through on my worst enemy because of how difficult it is to see the light at the end of the tunnel. With a laugh, he recounted the incident, saying, “JAMIE FOXX SICK AT HOSPITAL BED!

In that tunnel, it was quite hot! Foxx encouraged others to pursue their artistic aspirations by highlighting his newly discovered respect for both life and his work.


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