Traditional Rich Fruit Cake

>>>Fruit mix:
425g currants
250g sultanas
250g raisins
300g glacé cherries, washed, rinsed and quartered
150g dried apricots
75g mixed peel
>>>Other ingredients:
4 tbsp Brandy, plus extra if soaking the fruit overnight
300g plain flour
1 tsp ground mixed spice
½ tsp ground nutmeg
300g butter, softened
300g dark brown sugar
5 eggs
60g chopped almonds
1 tbsp black treacle
1 lemon zest, finely grated
1 orange zest, finely grated
For the overnight soak: Combine the fruit and candied peel in a large bowl.

Add the brandy, and stir to mix well. Cover and leave over night.

Step 1: Preheat the oven to 140℃/120℃fan/Gas 1/280℉

Step 2: Put the remaining ingredients into a large bowl and beat well with an electric mixer until thoroughly blended. Stir in the mixed fruit and any liquid.

Step 3: Grease and fully double line a large deep 23cm (9in) round tin or 20cm (8in) square cake tin. Spoon the mixture into the tin and level the surface.

Cover with baking paper and bake in the oven for 4¾ – 5 hours or until the knife inserted comes out clean. Leave to cool in the tin.

Step 4: Pierce the cake several times with a fine skewer and pour over a little brandy. Remove the cake from the tin, but leave the lining paper on.

Step 5: Wrap the cake in more baking paper then overwrap with foil. Store in a cool place for up to 3 months, unwrapping and adding more brandy occasionally (1-2 tbsp)

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