Overcoming Addiction – An Inspirational Story:
I saw this article in TODAY by Rachel Paula Abrahamson about Virginia ‘Ginny’ Burton, and wanted to share it because of how inspirational Ginny’s story is (article link below).
Ginny spent much of her life high on drugs, and in and out of jail. But she was able to eventually turn her life around, and she graduated recently from the University of Washington with a college degree.
Her recovery and her story is truly amazing.
Ginny Burton hopes that her story will inspire others.
In many ways, Burton feels reborn. She’s discovered a love of hiking and climbed 9,000 feet on glaciers to the top of Washington’s Mount Rainier in 2019. Burton meditates daily and eats a mostly plant-based diet.
She hopes to use her education to one day recreate the prison system by turning it into a rehabilitative environment. To stay on track in her recovery, Burton attends regular Narcotics Anonymous meetings.
“I started using when I was 6. I don’t know who I was before I started using,” Burton said. “I’m like this new creation. Today, I really feel like I am the person that I always knew was in my heart.”
THAT is a truly inspirational story, which illustrates what is possible with addiction recovery.
Thank you for sharing it, Rachel.
Some of us have it easier than others in life, and I think Ginny’s ‘level of difficulty’ for life is a 10 out of a 10.
Her drug addicted mom gave her marijuana at the age of 6! Life does not begin much worse.
But, Ginny was able to persevere somehow and eventually overcome the nearly impossible obstacles that were put in front of her.
– – – CONGRATULATIONS, VIRGINIA. You are a true inspiration to us all.
Write you own story and share it to inspire others, like Ginny has.
Your life story does not have to be as dramatic as hers, because your family and friends already love you. They will love and appreciate your story!
Here is Rachel Paula Abrahamson’s excellent article about Virginia ‘Ginny’ Burton: