Jennifer Aniston grew up in destabilized home

Looking at Jennifer Aniston’s success, it’s easy to think she had an incredible childhood that paved the way for a perfect life.

The 54-year-old is blessed with beauty, talent, and genes – her father is John Aniston, famed for his role as the mobster Victor Kiriakis in Days of Our Lives – however, life wasn’t so fortunate for her as a young girl.

Reflecting on her life, the Morning Show star shared how she moved on from painful challenges from her past, including a difficult relationship with her late mother.

Opening up about the importance of letting go of “toxic” anger, Aniston says of her once estranged mother, “thank you for showing me what never to be.”

As Aniston navigated through her formative years, her mother’s critiques on her appearance became more pronounced. Reminiscing about that time, she shared, “She was from this world of, ‘Honey, take better care of yourself,’ or ‘Honey, put your face on,’ or all of those odd sound bites that I can remember from my childhood.”

Jennifer Aniston was born February 11, 1969, to parents John Aniston and Nancy Dow, who were married from 1965 to 1980.

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