Rod Stewarts surprising update about growing family

Perhaps one of the most prominent singers of his time is Rod Stewart.

Now 78 years old, the man is a devoted family man who looks after both his children and grandchildren.

He will soon welcome a new addition to his expanding family. To learn more about this, keep reading!

The “Maggie May” singer is at ease around youngsters because he has eight of his own. The singer has also recently attained the rank of grandfather.

His daughter Ruby, the fourth of his children, made the announcement of the birth of her son, whom she shares with her fiancé Jake Kalic, on May 9.

Just a few days after becoming a grandfather for the first time, his son Liam informed him that his grandson Louie was born on May 12 to Liam Stewart, 28, and his partner Nicole Ann.

Sharing a gallery of pictures on his Instagram, the new father wrote, “Welcome lad, you American, British, Croatian, Kiwi.”

Rod had a kid named Liam from his 1990–2006 marriage to Rachel Hunter. The grandmother, said Hunter., “Welcome you beautiful angel.” And Rod’s current wife, Penny Lancaster, added to the comments as well, writing, “Congratulations, that’s the look of love. Can’t wait for a hug.”

The Rod Stewart family appears to be growing by one right now. Little Louie’s parents, Rod and Nicole Artukovich’s son Liam, have announced their engagement and impending nuptials!


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