Pride of the pack: Wolf cubs born on Star Wars Day take character names

The pitter patter of tiny paws continues here at Safari Zoo as we welcomed three Arctic Wolf Pups – one little boy and two little girls, on Star Wars Day (May 4).

We are not one to miss an opportunity for a cheesy link so we are delighted to introduce “Hans, Leia and Yoda” – Judge us by our size do, do you?

Saturday saw the pups’ initial health check with Senior Members of the Animal Management Team Gavin and Michael.

The pups are in good health and once all chipped and treated for prevention of worms were re-united with the rest of the pack.

Welcome to the world little ones, May the force be with you!

The baby theme continued as we hosted our very first baby shower on Saturday for a very special Harry Potter-loving mum and dad-to-be.

With a “dresses and wellies” dress code the guests arrived wondering what was in store.

Mum-to-be arrived blind folded, chauffeur driven by our maintenance team on the zoo ranger to maintain the mystique.

First up (and explaining the wellies) was the rhino challenge!

In teams the guests dug out our rhino playpen, sweeping so it was spick and span and fit for our rhinos.

Then on to feed the giraffes and a tickle for baby Rhino Zahara.

Then, on to Hogwarts for a Harry Potter themed party, fit for any wannabe wizard, complete with Harry’s favourite butterbeer and golden snitches.

Congratulations Sally and Ciaran, you will be amazing parents and we cannot wait to meet the little muggle!


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