Top 7 Dog Breeds That Look Like Wolves

What Dog Breeds Look Like Wolves?

These seven dog breeds have wolflike markings, but they still have predictable temperaments like most dogs. While it is possible to go out and buy a wolf or wolf hybrid (some hybrid breeds, such as the Lupo Italiano, Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, and Kunming Wolf Dog, have actually been crossed with wolves for generations), doing so is not recommended.

There are a lot of problems with keeping wolves and wolf hybrids in a household. Some become difficult to deal with as they become older, some cannot be trusted with kids and small animals, and some are even illegal to own in certain cities and other areas.

In my opinion, if you desire a wolflike dog, the best choice is to own a breed that looks like a wolf but is actually a dog. Take a look at these seven great choices before you make your decision.

The Tamaskan dog was developed to look like a wolf.

The Tamaskan

1. Tamaskan

This rare dog breed from Finland has actually been bred to look like a wolf. The Tamaskan is smaller than a timber wolf, usually weighing about 30 to 40 kilograms (around 65 to 90 pounds). However, their grey coats, non-blue eyes, and straight tails together create a strong wolflike appearance.

Common Health Issues and Life Span

As is the case with many rare breeds, there is still not much information on common Tamaskan health problems. One in 10 males of this breed is likely to be a cryptorchid (have an undescended testicle, which means the dog should be neutered). Additionally, as is the case with all large breeds, Tamaskans might be prone to hip dysplasia.

These dogs have only been around since about 2006, so their life expectancy is still not known.

Temperament and Behavior

They may be shy, but many of them are intelligent, obedient, and agile. Tamaskans are known for their search-and-rescue abilities and are also good sled dogs.

Although some fanciers claim Tamaskans are good with small animals, these dogs sometimes have a strong prey drive and should not be left alone with other small pets. They are also known to be diggers and are likely to have behavioral problems if not given something to do.

There are still only about 400 Tamaskan dogs around the world, but they are gaining in popularity and may very well be available in your area.

The Northern Inuit is breed of dog meant to look like a wolf.

2. Northern Inuit

Like the Tamaskan, the northern Inuit dog is a relatively new breed designed to look like a wolf. It looks so wolflike that the North Carolina State wolfpack uses one as its official live mascot. The breed was developed in the UK from Siberian huskies, German shepherds, Alaskan malamutes and some of the Inuit breeds.

Northern Inuits are medium sized, weighing around 25 to 40 kilos (about 55 to 85 pounds) with a double coat and a straight tail.

Common Health Issues and Life Span

Since the breed is relatively new, no reliable data about its life expectancy is available. They are probably prone to hip dysplasia, cataracts, and epilepsy, like many of the northern breeds, but there is still not enough information to be sure.

Temperament and Behavior

Northern Inuits, like Siberian huskies, were bred to be friendly but are sometimes stubborn. They are good with kids but do not like to be left alone. If they are not given sufficient stimulation (a play companion will often help), they will probably dig holes in the yard and maybe even escape.


A full-grown Alaskan malamute

Some Alaskan malamutes have markings and colors similar to those of a wolf.

This is an adult Alaskan malamute, one of the dog breeds that looks like a wolf.

3. Alaskan Malamute

This great dog is similar to a timber wolf in both size and coloring. Most Alaskan malamutes weigh about 35 to 40 kilos (around 75 to 85 pounds), but some can get as large as 45 kilos (around 100 pounds).

Alaskan malamutes have a double coat, often part white and part sable or gray. Their eyes are brown and their tails are fluffy and usually carried up.

Common Health Issues and Life Span

Like the other sled dogs, these dogs have some eye problems like retinal atrophy (PRA) and cataracts. Like a lot of other big dogs, they are prone to hip dysplasia. Alaskan malamutes usually live about 11 years.

Temperament and Behavior

They are well known for their ability to resist training, so make sure to take him to obedience classes and socialize him from a young age. Like Siberians, Alaskan malamutes have a lot of energy—too much for most people. While most people cannot run them on a sled, there are several alternative exercises available for them. They are strong, so they do well in bikejoring, skijoring, and weight-pulling.

The Siberian Husky is a popular dog breed with well-known markings.

Some Siberian Huskies look more like wolves than others.

4. Siberian Husky

This breed of dog is now so popular that many people will recognize a Siberian Husky when they see one on the street. Some Siberian Huskies look more wolflike than others.

Huskies were bred by the Chukchi tribes in Siberia to pull their sleds over long distances. They have been a domesticated breed for thousands of years but have not changed much from their wolf ancestors and still have a thick double coat, a heavily furred tail, and erect ears. Siberian Huskies are smaller than most wolves, usually only about 25 kilos (55 pounds) and sometimes even a lot less.


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