Animal Shelter Hoping to Find Loving Home for Dog That Might Be Part Wolf

It’s common knowledge that dogs are descendants of wolves. It’s unclear when exactly this transformation from wolf to dog occurred in history, but it certainly was a very long time ago. However, dogs and wolves still share many of the same traits, which is why situations arise like the one in this viral Facebook post.

Potter League for Animals is an animal advocacy and adoption group, and they recently shared a post on their Facebook about an unusual dog that they have up for adoption. In the post, they introduce us to Zeus, who is part German Shepherd, part, Husky, and part wolf. This hybrid breed is illegal to privately own in 12 states, including the rescue’s home state, so they are asking for help to find his perfect home in a state without these restrictions. Check out the post to see this beautiful dog and read what they have to say about Zeus!

Wow, this dog is amazing! Despite having wild ancestors in recent history, Zeus is an indoor dog that “is incredibly affectionate and silly, and loves to be pet, snuggled, and loved on,” according to the Facebook post. He seems like the perfect dog, it’s no wonder he has so many applications!

People who have met Zeus are attesting to how wonderful he is. One of the technicians at his previous veterinarian, Kait Marie, said, “He is a sweetheart. I hope he finds the perfect home.” Another person says they know Zeus very well, Sandra Lewis Sherman, commented, ” He’s sweet, shy, and beautiful. He needs to have a forever home where he can get some exercise and walks. Love you, Zeus. You’ll get the home that will fit your family needs.” We can tell Zeus is easy to get along and fall in love with!

Others shared how impressed they are with Zeus’s good looks and good behavior. Facebook user Mary Hillman joked, “He just took a DNA test, turns out he’s a 100% good boy! Hope this sweet boy finds the right home soon.” Another user, Ron Monroe, said, “He is absolutely gorgeous… I would love to have him as part of my family.” We know Zeus will find the perfect person to adopt him very soon.

We are so glad that this animal shelter is putting so much effort into finding a good home for Zeus. This pup deserves a loving home with plenty of outside space for him to play!



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