
The Funniest Headstones You Will Ever See

Headstones are used to deliver a message by the deceased and their loved ones. The words on this one stone are meant to embody the person’s spirit and help to remember them by. Some people take that responsibility very seriously, while others decide that the best use of the space is to leave behind something funny.

Death is a part of life, and usually, it is a fairly grim part, but these headstones are sure to make everything seem a little less dark. When you’re walking by one of these strange statues, an inappropriate joke, or some dad humor, it’s almost impossible not to let a small smile shine out.

One Way Ticket

This headstone looks like something straight out of a haunted house. It is both spooky and hilarious, although we are not sure exactly what they were going for. Did they mean that if you enter the grave you would never be able to come out? Or are they talking about entering death? Because there really is no coming back from that one.

Against All Odds

Women are known for a lot of good things, but being quick in the bathroom is not one of them. Especially if these are young women, who typically spend a lot of time doing their hair and makeup. And trying to fit four women into one bathroom sounds like the premise for a great reality show.

Put On A Happy Face

This headstone boils down life into one simple and somewhat depressing phrase. We hope the deceased didn’t really believe that this sentence summarized their entire life experience, but if they did, they must not have taken their passing that hard.

A Plot in the Shade

Placing your grave under a tree is both pleasing to the eye and practical. The tree offers a nice view and shade from the sun and rain. However, we are pretty sure that the family who chose this scenic location didn’t mean for the headstone and the tree to merge and become one.

No Thanks

As much as we can appreciate this person’s cynical sense of humor (and his obvious existential logic), we’d rather not take them up on their offer to ‘prepare.’

Ready to Talk

This person either has a really morbid sense of humor or is pretty sure about what happens after death and is all set to get in touch. We wonder if they have taken into account how many kids will think this is creepy and intriguing and will summon them for a chat. Maybe they should have added ‘for family and friends only’ at the bottom.

Proven Right

Headstones with these kinds of messages are becoming more popular, and they can be seen across different graveyards. They may be a sign of the many terminal diseases that society is dealing with these days, or they may be attributed to more people wanting to have the last laugh.

Call from Above

This headstone is somehow funny, sweet, and sad. It shows a slightly cartoonish representation of part of a woman, whom we assume is Kim, talking on an enormous phone. She looks pretty happy about what she’s hearing, and why wouldn’t she be, if she is talking to the son of God?

Revenge From the Grave

There is no bigger question in this life than what happens after we die. Countless television shows, books, and movies have been made on the subject, but no one really knows. Or do they? This person is sure that now that they have passed on, they have all the answers.

The Big Sleep

This woman must have been either perpetually tired or a big fan of naps to have this message written on her headstone. Maybe she liked to say this whenever one of her family members tried to interrupt her precious sleep time, and they decided to immortalize the sentiment on her grave.

Funny in Both Life and Death

For those of you who haven’t heard of him, Leslie Nielsen was a well-known Canadian actor and comedian who appeared in movie parodies like “The Naked Gun” series and “Airplane!” He also starred in the television show “Police Squad!” He was famous on set and off for his practical jokes and often carried a hand-controlled fart machine around.

He Won’t Be Right Back

Who can forget the legendary American TV show host, Mervyn Griffin? One of the most iconic American TV personalities of the 60s and 70s, Merv Griffin was known for his catchphrases and trademark mannerisms. And one of them, which is kind of obvious for a TV show host, was, “We will be right back after this message.”

Sad but True

There are a lot of unpleasant realities about death that we don’t like to think about. For example, we are going to be inside a wooden box, six feet underground, covered in dirt. That really is the darkest place anyone can imagine being in.

No Room for Error

It’s not easy to find the perfect words to capture everything you feel when a loved one passes away. Some people may find it overwhelming, especially in their time of grief, and are searching for something simple and to the point.

Telling It Like It Is

Although dying is a part of life, it is not always easy to accept. This person was clearly not happy about the end of the road arriving, but at least they accepted it, with a bit of a sarcastic smile.

Location, Location, Location

They say that the most important thing in real estate is location. The view here can’t be beat, and the neighbors really are quiet, plus places with a reputation for being haunted are cheaper. Coming home at night, however, probably wouldn’t be too pleasant, and accommodations are definitely cramped.

Private Parking

This couple didn’t want a lot out of their afterlife, they just wanted a place to park. Apparently, Georgetown, where they lived, was plagued by parking problems, and this couple was sick of it. That is definitely something other city dwellers can relate to.

A True Psychic

We’ve all heard the saying, “it’s funny ’cause it’s true.” That is certainly the case here. No matter who we are or where we come from, eventually, we are all going to die. George W. Jr. didn’t need to be a psychic to see this one coming.

Bum Deal

It is not a bad idea to take stock before the end of your life. This person clearly spent some time looking back and wasn’t afraid to admit that they had made some mistakes along the way. This joke isn’t just funny; it’s also relatable. We all make mistakes, and we all end up in the hole, pun certainly intended.

Death by Aching Feet

People often say that it hurts to be beautiful. If you consider high heel shoes the epitome of female beauty, that saying is definitely true. Add to that the frequent usage of the phrase, “my (blank) is killing me,” and you could be missing out on a genuine cry for help.

The Long Nap

Not only did Mrs. Russell get a beautiful engraving of roses and a heart on her headstone, but she also made sure her last message was hilariously witty.

What an Attitude

When a young person, who has never had the chance to live to adulthood, passes away, it is absolutely heartbreaking. This grave belongs to a 16-year-old, which is terribly sad, but at least the message on the grave embodies their age in a fitting and humorous manner.

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