
Don’t Waste Your Money on Pedicure Anymore: Just Two Ingredients from Your Kitchen Can Make Your Feet Look Amazing!

Good foot health is essential for a healthy and active life. Since rough, cracked heels can be really unsightly and embarrassing. Plus, they can even obstruct your quality of life and disable proper movement and body support.

Fortunately, there is a solution to improve your feet condition. One of the best things that affect the health of your feet is your personal hygiene and diet. Therefore, you need to incorporate it into your everyday routines.

Most people are getting expensive pedicures and sophisticated products to heal their feet. However, this is not always the most productive form of healing them. In addition, going to a beauty salon is quite expensive and time-consuming as well.

Here’s one homemade remedy you should try to take care of dry, flaky, scaly, and tired feet. You need only 2 ingredients that can be probably found in your kitchen at this moment. In addition, the preparation process is very simple and easy to follow.

Here’s how to promote your foot health:


  • 3-4 cups milk
  • 3 tablespoons baking soda


At first, you should warm up the milk. Then, pour the warm milk into a basin and add the baking soda. Mix well and dip your feet in it for 10 minutes.

Afterward, rinse your feet with warm water and dry off gently with a towel. The results will be incredible and you will be satisfied for sure.


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